Notice to users : Carefully read the following legal agreement.
THIS LICENCE DESCRIBES THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH YOU MAY USE ANY HISTORICAL DATA FROM TICK DATA MARKETTickdatamarket gives you a licence to use one copy of the version of this historical data on any one hardware product for as many licences as you purchase. You can store, load, install, execute or display the historical data. If you install the historical data onto a multi-user platform or network, each and every individual user of the historical data must be licenced separately. You may not sublicence, rent, lease, resell for profit or otherwise dispose of the historical data without our written permission. You may not grant a security interest in, or otherwise transfer rights to the historical data. You may not remove any proprietary notices or labels on the historical data.
The data is delivered by FTP link within 24 hours for so-called "normal" orders. For large amounts of data, the treatment may take several days.
Tickdatamarket will not endorse any responsability for any incident or damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of the historical data, even if Tickdatamarket has been advised of the possibily of such damages.Order at Tickdatamarket means acceptance of the licence.
Refund Policy
Considering the nature of the Products and Services provided by the Company, to the extent permitted under the applicable law, the Company would not refund any amounts paid for any product or service purchased from the Company.
If you believe that the Product you have purchased is defective, you may apply the Company to replace the Product or remove the defects. This right shall be your sole remedy in the event of a defect in the Products.